Discussed: Cat names inspired by Robert Pinsky’s abecedarian poem, magic mushrooms, how to live above a gospel choir, and a taxi ride to Yonkers. 

In a fresh and inventive PEN DIY talk titled “How to Sing Yourself,” Joseph Keckler used opera, fiction, poetry, photography, and performance to give the audience a glimpse of his genre and medium-bending creative process. From an Italian aria inspired by a psychedelic experience with mushrooms, to a darkly hilarious piece of performance art on the mundane intricacies of nine-to-five office culture, Keckler filled our DIY stage with sound, song, and brilliant performance. The discussion following his talk was moderated by Angela Ledgerwood. 


PEN DIY with Joseph Keckler: How to Sing Yourself 


Q&A with Angela Ledgerwood